Natural medicine or naturopathic doctors practice naturopathy and are educated and trained in naturopathic medical colleges. Many NDs (naturopathic doctors) have a basic training in primary care the same as conventional medical doctors or MDs. They prevent, diagnose, and treat chronic and acute illness to maintain a person’s overall health by supporting a person’s inherent self-healing capacity.
Modern medicines work with symptoms only, isolating the disease from the person. Nautropathic medicine on the other hand works with the person as a whole and supports body’s self-healing abilities. Natural medicine doctor or a naturopathic doctor is someone who can help you through the use of natural therapies and natural medicine.
Here are three things you must know about natural medicine doctors:
- Naturopathic doctors are trained and qualified: there is a myth of sorts amongst some people that anyone can be a ND and that they are not professionally trained. However, that is not the truth. There might be a few quacks in the market but a proper ND is someone who has been trained in the Natural medicine college and specializes in one or many natural therapies including knowledge of primary medical care as much as the conventional MDs.
- They do not diagnose a patient: Natural medicine doctors are complimentary assistants in the healing process. They do not diagnose cancer, autism or any other diseases professionally. But, they work side by side with the primary doctor to encourage self-healing and overall well-being of the patient through natural therapies and medicine.
- Naturopathic doctors are more about healthy lifestyle: Naturopathy is the practice of encouraging body’s self-healing capacity through natural medicine and a natural/healthy lifestyle. Instead of ingesting external medication, NDs encourage and suggest healthy lifestyle for the overall well-being in the long run.
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