Various forms of alternative medicine such as integrated functional medicine have been gaining attention over 21st Century. Many believe that integrated functional medicine is the future of medicine because specialists have started to take a holistic approach to treating their patients. The focus now has not remained to suppress the symptoms of a condition but to heal the conditions causing those symptoms. Both functions, as well as integrative medicine, have similarities and overlap in a number of areas, but they are few areas where they are somewhat unique.
What is integrative medicine?
It is a holistic medical discipline which takes into account patient’s lifestyle, and physicians work to treat the person as a whole rather than the disease. In it a combination of healthcare practices that are brought to use to diagnose, Pain Management and treat a patient. The treatment also focuses on nutritional as well as exercising habits of the patients so that medical conditions can be curbed.
What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine embraces integrative medicine but also employs a system oriented medical approach that works to identify the causes of a disease. In this treatment, the relationship between a patient and a medical practitioner becomes more of a partnership. And in the same way as integrative medicine functional medicine is also focused on treating a person as a whole and not just suppressing the condition.
For sure, the practitioners who embrace integrated functional medicine will be at the forefront of healthcare in the 21st Century. If you would like to have more information on this medicine or have a condition that you want to be treated through naturopathy, feel free to connect with Sundardas Naturopathy Clinic Singapore. We so far have treated thousands of patients suffering from underlying conditions.
What is integrative medicine?
It is a holistic medical discipline which takes into account patient’s lifestyle, and physicians work to treat the person as a whole rather than the disease. In it a combination of healthcare practices that are brought to use to diagnose, Pain Management and treat a patient. The treatment also focuses on nutritional as well as exercising habits of the patients so that medical conditions can be curbed.
What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine embraces integrative medicine but also employs a system oriented medical approach that works to identify the causes of a disease. In this treatment, the relationship between a patient and a medical practitioner becomes more of a partnership. And in the same way as integrative medicine functional medicine is also focused on treating a person as a whole and not just suppressing the condition.
For sure, the practitioners who embrace integrated functional medicine will be at the forefront of healthcare in the 21st Century. If you would like to have more information on this medicine or have a condition that you want to be treated through naturopathy, feel free to connect with Sundardas Naturopathy Clinic Singapore. We so far have treated thousands of patients suffering from underlying conditions.
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