Thursday, 26 October 2017

Naturopathic Medicine for Children on Autism Spectrum

What are the problems that autistic children face? If we put it in one line, it is attention, behavior, processing of sensory stimuli, speech, mental peace, and immunity. Specialists have always pointed out that autistic children are extremely sharp and they have a better memory than other children of their age. When we talk of neurological functions, cognitive functions and attention, these are the issues related to hyperactivity. Usually, the sensory issues are either over-reactive or under reactive. There can be few children who might seek a lot of light while others may find it difficult to sit in normal light. There can be few who seek sounds while others may just want to close their ears. Yes, speech can also be a problem, even if they talk, their behavior may not be like the normal children, and there can be a lot of self-talking. Some small children can also have gut-related issues, and it can be due to gas or constipation which makes them feel irritated. Skin problems can also be a common sign and the reason is yet to be known. Sometimes there can also be behavioral related problems such as aggression and self-harm.

Each child on autism spectrum disorder is different, no two children have common symptoms but you can see there is a common thread. To cut a long story short, we would say it is extremely important to take care of child’s diet, sensory integration and to connect them with nature. Natural therapies have shown a positive effect on the overall health of the children with autism spectrum disorder. Specialists take care of diet and natural therapies so that these children can have a normal life.

If you too are concerned about your child’s health, it is the time to start Naturopathic Medicine and see results within no time.