Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Best Integrated Functional Medicine Clinic Singapore

Naturopathy for A migraine

One of the most common reasons for a migraine is excessive dilation of cerebral blood vessels. The blood vessels do not dilate spontaneously but respond to chemical changes that occur inside the body. If a naturopath is consulted for this case, he will ask the patients a few details which are related to his medical history, family, diet and menstrual cycle. It may seem paradoxical, but there is a surprising percentage of migraine cases that are a result of migraine medication itself. If you withdraw from these medicines, it will make your condition worse for a short interval of time, but in the long run, it will result in no headaches at all. There are several reasons that contribute to headaches, and the easiest factor that can be controlled is to take care of your diet. There are several food reactions which can contribute to headaches so the elimination trial can be considered. Common foods that cause a migraine are wheat, chocolate, egg, cow’s milk, orange, cheese, tomato, benzoic acid, tartrazine, and rye.

Migraines can be debilitating, agonizing and scary. Migraines do not happen by itself neither are they a random occurrence. It is important for an individual to explore his environment to know what is upsetting his internal balance so that the headaches can be controlled and prevented from occurring in future.

Naturopathy or Integrated Functional Medicine is the best way to get rid of migraines and a step towards a better way of life. If you or someone close to you is suffering from this condition, it is good to visit a naturopathic clinic where the problem can be healed from within. One such reliable naturopathic and Integrated Functional Medicine clinic is Dr. Sundardas Naturopathy Clinic in Singapore, which is an established clinic for offering best natural medical care to the patients.